You may be encountering this error as a result of login via a different method by which you had initially signed up for the account.
You had initially signed in with Email or Phone (receiving an OTP), and then tried to Continue with Google.
The two sign in methods will resolve to a different EOA wallet (blockchain wallet) even if the email address used is the same. This means that if you had signed up with Continue with Google, your smart contract Safe will only be linked to the EOA wallet associated with Continue with Google, and the next time, if you sign in with a seperate method, you are accessing another EOA wallet with no access to the smart contract Safe.
Your card is linked to the smart contract Safe from your initial sign up.
To resolve, make sure that you login with the same method by which you had signed up for BasedApp with!
Learn more about how to secure your smart contract Safe and add alternate login methods here.
How BasedApp Login works
Currently, we offer 3 ways to login to BasedApp - Google Login powered by Magic
, Email or Phone login and External Wallet logins (Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, Wallet Connect).
Each method links to a different EOA wallet (as the addresses resolves to a different blockchain address via complex mathematics). And the EOA wallet that you login with will have to be a signer of the smart contract SAFE that BasedApp had initially created for you when you first signed up.
Learn more about how BasedApp works here.